- QueenOfSpades
- Profil
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- Partyalbum

by Julia Nitschke
- Geburtstag:
- 24.02.1988 (37)
- Mitglied seit:
- 03.05.2007
- Geschlecht:
- weiblich
- letzter Login:
- 31.05.2007 - 18:52
- Beziehungsstatus:
- In einer Beziehung
- Profil Views:
- 3084
- Stadt:
- 53505 Berg
- Beruf/Klasse:
- Abiturient
- Arbeitsplatz/Schule:
- SJG Rheinbach
- Website:
- www.myspace.com/gothgrrrl
- ICQ:
- 216742625
- Größe:
- 168 cm
- Augenfarbe:
- grün
- Haarfarbe:
- braun
- Frisur:
- normal ne ... so lang und so
I'll fight like hell to hide that I've given up
Music Music Music - vor allem...

Bright Eyes
"Well everyday you lose more colour
Do you think that someone paints your mirror?"
"Stop counting on that camera that hangs round your neck
Cause it won't ever remember what you chose to forget"
"These clocks keep unwinding and completely ignore
Everything that we hate or adore
Once the page of a calendar is turned it's no more
So tell me then what was it for
Oh tell me, what was it for?"

Kaizers Orchestra
"Vær så snill og send meir brennevin
La oss drikke som svin
Noge å sove på
Det blir et lang natt
So drøm hard
For i mårå må du ta de siste stegå
Og eg forstår at du spør:
Var dette livet?
Var dette alt?"

Franz Ferdinand
"I have no idea that in four years
I'll be hanging from a bream
Behind the door of No. 10
Singing Well, fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well...
I am leaving, yes I leave it all to you..."
"Gregor was down again
Said, Come on, kick me again"
Said, I'm so drunk, I don't mind if you kill me"
...aber auch...
Arctic Monkeys
Simon & Garfunkel
Scissor Sisters
Sufjan Stevens
important people
My best friend Constantin

Meine Freundin Jana

Ich lese gerade

Momentan meine LieblingsCD

Als letztes im Kino gesehen

Lernt mich kennen...
Ich bin-Vegetarier
Ich liebe-meine Freunde
-meine Familie
-englische Akzente
-meinen Busfahrer
-den Osten Europas
-Fußball (Bayer Leverkusen/FC Liverpool)
-polnische Mitbürger
-skandinavische Filme
Ich hasse-Naturwissenschaften
Besucht mich
Hier findet ihr mich:
Music Music Music - vor allem...

Bright Eyes
"Well everyday you lose more colour
Do you think that someone paints your mirror?"
"Stop counting on that camera that hangs round your neck
Cause it won't ever remember what you chose to forget"
"These clocks keep unwinding and completely ignore
Everything that we hate or adore
Once the page of a calendar is turned it's no more
So tell me then what was it for
Oh tell me, what was it for?"

Kaizers Orchestra
"Vær så snill og send meir brennevin
La oss drikke som svin
Noge å sove på
Det blir et lang natt
So drøm hard
For i mårå må du ta de siste stegå
Og eg forstår at du spør:
Var dette livet?
Var dette alt?"

Franz Ferdinand
"I have no idea that in four years
I'll be hanging from a bream
Behind the door of No. 10
Singing Well, fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well...
I am leaving, yes I leave it all to you..."
"Gregor was down again
Said, Come on, kick me again"
Said, I'm so drunk, I don't mind if you kill me"
...aber auch...
Arctic Monkeys
Simon & Garfunkel
Scissor Sisters
Sufjan Stevens
important people
My best friend Constantin

Meine Freundin Jana

Ich lese gerade

Momentan meine LieblingsCD

Als letztes im Kino gesehen

Lernt mich kennen...
Ich bin-Vegetarier
Ich liebe-meine Freunde
-meine Familie
-englische Akzente
-meinen Busfahrer
-den Osten Europas
-Fußball (Bayer Leverkusen/FC Liverpool)
-polnische Mitbürger
-skandinavische Filme
Ich hasse-Naturwissenschaften
Besucht mich
Hier findet ihr mich:
letzte Änderung: 25.09.2008 - 16:04