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by Maria Crank & Freak

31.03.1990 (34)
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18.09.2012 - 21:45
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24937 Flensburg
SonnenGenießerin & Träumerin
frag meine Waage
iwie braun
vom Winde verweht

Ich bin schüchtern - es glaubt mir nur keiner...!

Dry Cell - Body Crumbles

Finally recover and the mood is right
Looking up into a neon sky
Child in me takes over, guess it's been too long
Since the last time that I tried to fly

Finally I find when I lose control
Inside my body crumbles
It's like therapy for my broken soul
In'ide my body crumbles

All I need's a moment, chance to get away
From the stressfulness of every day
Know if I don't question and I never doubt
Everything is gonna be okay

Finally I find when I lose control
Inside my body crumbles
It's like therapy for my broken soul
Inside my body crumbles

I don't know if I'll be alright
Is it okay to be myself
Why do we always have to fight
Now I know it's alright

Finally I find when I lose control
Inside my body crumbles
It's like therapy for my broken soul
Inside my body crumbles

Eigentlich habe ich mir ja geschworen so etwas nie zu machen - aber ich kann nicht mehr anders:

Du bist über die letzten Jahre der wichtigste Mensch in meinem Leben geworden und darum kann ich nur noch sagen: Maria (camargue) ich liebe Dich und will mich nie mehr hergeben!!!

...und es gibt doch Menschen die zum Alleinsein prädestiniert sind...!


Stoppt die Robbenjagd!!!

Weitere Informationen? ->International Fund for Animal Welfare

Ayo. - Help Is Coming

Situation could be much better
much better than today
you know that you could do much better
much better than you do today
but how come you never try to change situation
how come you always escape
out of a serious conversation
dont't you know it can't never be too late
for us to succeed
out of every misery
you can be released
as long as you believe

Help is coming
As long as you believe
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released

Your lifestyle could be so different
From how it is right now
Know that you could change so many things
If only you want that
You should know it can't never be too late
Just get up and try
And if you fall and wonder why
Just try an other time
But don't give up to fight

Help is coming
As long as you believe
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released

You're always looking for a scapegoat
Like everything is their fault
And never ever you gonna say maybe I did mistake
I black and white sky
Never you gonna say why
like you know everything in what thay say just can't be right
How come you never change
How come you always failed in everything you did before back then until today

Help is coming
As long as you believe
Help is coming
For us to be released
For us to be released

Ein großes Halleluja und...
"Hallo erstmal..."

Danko Jones - I'm Alive and I'm on Fire

My Mama made me sow my wild oats
I made love w/ a backstroke
Unafraid, unabashed, 'cause I'm proud
Let's get together for the rubdown

I'm Alive and I'm on Fire

I heard you got a hot date tonight
I got a date w/ dynamite
If you got the guts well light my match
I got an itch that you can scratch

I'm Alive and I'm on Fire

Es dünkt mich eines Ausspruches...
"Einfach stur grinsen und winken!!!"

"Man wird geboren, und schon ist man schuldig."
Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf

enthusiastisch wie ich bin...


Hatebreed - Give Wings To My Triumph

Here I am
Exposed in my brokenness
For the world to see
Here I am
Screaming these words
It's all I've ever known of serenity
Here I am
Telling my pain, bearing my soul to the world
Here I am
Venting on this page, flawed and insecure no more
Here I am
Coming clean with myself, knowing that this time would come
Here I am
Like a thousand voices, I know I'm not the only one
Now my fists must never become unclenched
Eternally prevailing against
I must endure the misfortune and bring starvation for those who hunger for my defeat

Give Wings To My Triumph
Let this life ascend
Give Wings To My Triumph
Give rebirth for every death

Here I am
Exposed in my brokenness
For the world to see
Here I am
Screaming these words
It's all I've ever known of serenity

See my will before you know
Life ascends in every breath
A rise for every fall
A life for every death

Give me wings
So I ascend
Let me soar, take me farther than ever before

Give Wings To My Triumph
Life ascends in every breath
Give Wings To My Triumph
Rebirth for every death
Give Wings To My Triumph
and let me soar
Give Wings To My Triumph
take me farther than before

Le langage est source de malentendus!

-des pensées philosophiques du Petit Prince-

roll eyes :] tongue

Der Pinky und der Brain

PINKY: Hey Brain, was wollen wir denn heute Abend machen?

BRAIN: Genau dasselbe wie jeden Abend, Pinky: Wir versuchen, die Weltherrschaft an uns zu reißen!

ja Pinky und der Brain,
ja Pinky und der Brain.
Im Tierversuchslabor
da ist es gescheh'n.
Der eine ist brilliant,
der andere geisteskrank.
Der Pinky, ja Pinky und der
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,

In jeder neuen Nacht
entwickeln sie 'nen Plan
und greifen nach der Macht
in ihrem Größenwahn.

Der Pinky und der Brain,
ja Pinky und der Brain.
Jeder kann es seh'n,
doch keiner versteh'n.
Brain will die ganze Welt,
weil es ihm so gefällt.
Der Pinky, ja Pinky und der
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,

Man darf sich nicht darüber KRÄNKEN,
daß uns ANDERE nicht die WAHRHEIT sagen;
denn wir SAGEN sie uns oft SELBST nicht.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Blur - Song 2


I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn´t easy
But nothing is, no

When I feel like heavy metal
And I´m pins and I´m needles
Well I lie and I´m lazy
All of the time, but I´m never sure, when I need you
Pleased to meet you

I got my head done
When I was young
It´s not my problem
It´s not my problem

When I feel like heavy metal
And I´m pins and I´m needles
Well I lie and I´m lazy
All of the time, but I´m never sure, when I need you
Pleased to meet you

Yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah!
yeah, yeah!
Oh yeah!

cool big grin tongue

PS: Beschwerden werden nicht entgegen genommen. Wenn dann zu Händen meiner Versorger!

Also macht von eurer rechtlichen Meinungsfreiheit Gebrauch (nur wundert euch dann nicht über die Antwort!)

Bin sogar gewillt auf Nachrichten zu antworten! wink

ACHSO - Umgang formt den Menschen!!! Denkt mal drüber nach.

letzte Änderung: 13.09.2009 - 03:48

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